Who's who in 2025
Management Committee | The Management Committee (ManCom) is made up of volunteers elected annually to manage the affairs of the Club. The committee agrees budgets and approves all Club expenditure and use of the Club's facilities. |
Commodore: Chris Radford Chairman of the Management Committee. Responsible for the overall running of the Club and maintaining communication with SSC Trustees. | |
Vice Commodore: Phil Dowdell Responsible for all aspects of sailing, including berthing, moorings, car park and the beach area. | |
Rear Commodores: Tony Land Chairman of the House Committee (Galley and Bar). Responsible for the upkeep of buildings inside and out. | |
Honorary Secretary: Perham Harding Equivalent to a Company Secretary, ensures Club administration is in order including all insurances and licences. Also records Management Committee minutes. | |
Honorary Treasurers: Richard and Joanne Harwood Responsible for receiving monies and paying accounts. Produces budgets and management accounts and deals with the Club's external reviewers. | |
Sailing Secretary: Russell Brayshaw Chair of the Sailing Committee running the sailing aspects of the Club and the employment of the Bosun. | |
Membership Secretary: Tim Jenner Oversees all aspects of membership including applications, renewals and all records thereof. | |
RYA Principal: Sarah Percival Responsible to the RYA for ensuring that the Club complies with RYA guidelines and achieves maximum benefit from its membership. | |
Social Team Events Coordinator: Coordinates the Social Events Team. | |
Sailing Committee | The Sailing Committee (SailCom) is made up of volunteer members who have been elected to run the sailing aspects of the Club for the benefit of all members. Responsible for the sailing requirements including, but not limited to the sailing programme, training, racing, sailing and the provision of facilities. The committee members have various skills and roles to help all aspects of sailing at the Club. The Commodore and Vice Commodore are ex-officio members of SailCom. |
Sailing Secretary: Russell Brayshaw In overall charge of the SailCom and sits on ManCom. Agrees the sailing budget and the year's action plan with ManCom and then delegates authority and responsibilities to the members of SailCom to deliver the plan. Safety Team Co-ordinator: Jeremy Stein | |
Chief Instructor: Adrian Whaley Responsible for delivering all the adult and junior training. First point of contact for approving member's use of club boats and annual sailing statistics. | |
Tuesday Night Training Coordinators: Karen Dowdell, Sally Tattersall Responsible for working alongside the Chief Instructor to organise, promote and deliver Tuesday night training sessions and to engage eligible members in active - and happy - participation. | |
Junior Training Coordinator: Charlotte Fereday Organises the large team of volunteer helpers and instructors so that the Club can provide the Saturday morning junior training programme. | |
Fleet Captains | The Fleet Captain is the point of contact for those people who want to sail within that Fleet. Fleet Captains should represent Fleet concerns and make suggestions to SailCom.The Adult training fleet captain co-ordinates Tuesday evening training.Fleet Captain responsibilities are to:
Dart 18s Fleet Captain: Richard Miller | |
ILCA (formerly Laser) Captain & Race Results Co-ordinator: Tim Page | |
Handicap Fleet Captain: Doug Horner | |
Social Sailing and Cruising Coordinator: Peter Tanner | |
Secretary to Sailcom: Sara Pullman | |
Other key roles | |
Berthing Officer: Contact for:
Moorings Officer: Mike Cemm
| |
Bosun: Mike Mombrun Responsible for safety boat and Club boat equipment maintenance | |
IT Projects Manager Provides strategic advice and oversees IT systems and their development | |
Webmaster: Simon Parvin Coordinates and runs the new SSC website | |
Hon. Club Archivist: Margaret Whaley Keeps historical documents and records pertaining to the Club. | |
Health and Safety Officer: Derek Boorn Keeps records and keeps the Management Committee updated on any pertinent health and safety issues. | |
Press Officer: Responsible for communications with local and national publications. | |
Club Welfare Officer: Fran Sorapure Contact for Safeguarding matters | |
Last updated 09:49 on 7 January 2025