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Social sailing groups

There are three social sailing groups which meet at different times.

Group A: Social Sailing FFG Group Derek Boorn (communicates by email and text)

"Our Social Sailing group A" is only interested in sailing in the mornings during the week, or at weekends if no other club activity is taking place, and when the winds are less than 16 knots. This attracts dinghy sailors who enjoy the true nature of 'Social Sailing' and who enjoy the flexibility provided by our communication system to take advantage of suitable weather conditions that appear with only a couple of days notice. This gives us a big advantage over a system whereby a regular mandatory time slot is allocated in the Club's sailing calendar without regard to future conditions.

Our group, which numbers approximately a regular 30, has a complete mixture of dinghy sailors from the older age group, those with physical restrictions, racers who just want to 'chill out', those new to the club who want to practice their new found skills in calmer weather conditions with the 'old and bold' keeping an eye on them and finally those with no dinghies of their own who just want to crew, chat and have a plastic mug of wine out on the water whilst putting the world to rights.

Our system is also the ideal tool to help co-ordinate at short notice 'Out of the Bay' excursions or anything else that would require suitable weather conditions.

Derek Boorn ( login to see email.

Group B: Social Sailing Group Mike Cemm (communicates by 'members only' Facebook)

"Our Social Sailing group B" regularly sails on Friday afternoons and TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) evenings and any other day it is great for Sailing. We tend to sail in stronger winds than group A, 10 20 knots (F3 F5) and on Friday evening we organise a rescue boat. We post the weather forecast and time to meet on Facebook and members post a response. We often organise BBQ and Bar after sailing in the summer or hot drinks out of season.

Group C: 10 kts+ Group (communicates by WhatsApp)

The 10 kts+ group organise themselves via a WhatsApp group and sail mostly during the week ad hoc when the wind and tide are right. We sail throughout the whole year, prefer stronger winds but do go out in light winds too.

There's no safety boat cover with this group but we assist each other with launch and recovery. The group is welcome to all independent sailors, and to join, please email Klaus at:, who can send a join link. You'll need WhatsApp on your phone

Last updated 18:48 on 23 February 2023

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